A Simple View of Life

In proper order.

-Spiritually fit
-Physically fit
-Family fit
-Financially fit

There can be some debate about what is ultimately most important to each person. I believe it is vital that each person take a minute to consider what order the four corners of life should be placed in.
Also please note that things like “country”, and City, or giving, etc... All are sub parts of one of these four corners and should be considered as such. The reason for creating four corners is to have the ability to visualize yourself as a complete person acting and living the life you want to live. If the sub parts become “parts” and we have 10, or 20 things on our list it is impossible to keep and hold a simple vision of ourselves. So the technique which is very powerful is to take each part, and detail all the sub parts to it, and then visualize each subpart as part of the part. Example; physically fit, includes your mind, and learning or classes, as well as eating and working out. And spiritually includes service, so service to country, and community fit nicely here.

It isn’t important to spend any time thinking about where the sub part of the goal fits. Rather almost like word association if I say community service, and you only have four choices where would that fit for you?
I have found that importance of the order “priority” of your goals changes as your life progresses. But the changes I have noticed are not what we might typically think of. In most cases the priority (what you spend your time focusing on) is based on lack of sufficiency in a particular area, rather than any conscious decision or consideration. Seldom does the true order or our priorities change on their own. Typically an unbalanced life causes the order or our priorities to change as we attempt to rebalance our lives.

So if any one item, or items is lacking in our lives then the order becomes distorted by stress and strain, and the unbalance created by the lacking area of our lives. This however is a natural state of growth, stress, strain; resistance is a needed part of growth. Don’t feel bad because you want your spirituality to be your number one priority but seem to spend all day trying to get your finances in order! All that means is you have progressed further in your spiritual growth than you have financially, so you are unbalanced, not greedy, or superficial, just unbalanced. It is really important to make this distinction, between living in a manner that violates your personal priorities for life, and living in a manner that is just trying to balance your life.

Most people have a predetermined set of priorities, or feel that their priorities must match their idealism about what and how life should be lived. If you have noticed this tends to lead to despair as we realize we are not living our lives focusing on the order of our ideal life.
But again I want to refocus on the concept that our focus will be on the areas we are lacking in more than those were we are already blessed with abundance.
I watched a strong man demonstration the other night on TV. The person held onto a chain attached to the back of a Ford Cobra as it pealed out. There was a device to monitor how much pressure in terms of pounds this strong man was holding back as the car spun its wheels and didn’t move. It was an in human 1,500 pounds of pressure. The show went on to explain how this could have happened. Based on the attached electrodes it was revealed that each area of this strong man’s body parts were firing in exact order to generate enough strength to hold on to 1,500 pounds. As it was broken down it was easy to understand, if his legs could squat 400 pounds, and his biceps could curl 150 pounds and his back could hold another 150, etc..

As we consider being able to bench pressing 300 pounds that is pretty strong. But like our key life objectives, in the case of the strong man, if the rest of his body is weak, then he couldn’t hold back the 1,500 pounds of pressure he held onto. Rather his muscles had been developed on purpose, following a plan over time to become strong in each muscle group, and well balanced so his muscles could work in order assisting each body part by combining each individual muscle group into one super human powerful force.
Let’s think about our life objectives in much this same way. This is sometimes referred to as Goal Setting. I like to talk in terms of Goal Attainment. Setting goals is fun, and we can spend a lot of fun time writing down our dreams, and fantasies for our lives. But goal attainment is a completely different concept all together. There are of course many books written on this subject, as well as many lectures and meetings, as well as seminars all focusing on detailed goal setting programs. I have read about them all, taken the classes, listened to the tapes, then Cd’s, and now the MP3’s all sharing the secretes to setting goals. But let me ask you this. Have you ever set a goal that you didn’t achieve? Yep so have I before I made the simple distinction between setting goals, and achieving them. Achieving goals is much easier than you might think.
It starts with self awareness. You must understand two things. You must understand your ideal order, and next you must become aware of your actual order. Remember the ideal order is how you want to live, while the actual order you are living is based on strengthening your weak area, or areas. Those areas are the ones that you find yourself focusing on. This doesn’t mean your ideal order is not correct, or you should feel bad about not focusing on the items you want to be the most important parts of your life. If you step back and look chances are pretty good that you are spending a lot of your focus on the areas that are not as important to you as the ones that are. But let’s take a look at our strong man again. If your first priority is your spiritual life, and as a strong man you had focused on your bench press you would find that what you focused on first became strong first. But as you become self aware, as the strong man decided to he wanted to be able to hold back a car from taking off, some 1,500 pounds of pressure he would have to hold onto to achieve his goal, he had to begin focusing on more than his bench pressing ability, and focus on developing his other muscle groups. That doesn’t mean that his primary focus or importance has changed from being able to bench press a certain amount, or yours has changed from your spirituality being the most important part of your life. If just means that you have become aware that to live the life you want to live you need to develop the other areas of your life also.

So then self awareness is the beginning of all change! With self awareness comes a very important key to goal attainment. I personally have no desire to develop myself into a man strong enough to hold back a car from taking off. But the strong man I watched on TV did, and hence now can. Our dreams and goals are not some random set of things firing off in our minds. Rather our dreams are very much specific to us. By this I mean I am pretty sure my body couldn’t be developed to the point I could hold back a car from taking off. This might be a key as to why I have no desire to develop that strength.
The reason I break down goals into just 4 categories is a belief that to achieve a goal you have to be able to see it and believe it. Defining dozens of goals again is a lot of fun, as most blue sky thinking is, but it is nearly impossible to stay focused on dozen of areas at one time, yet it is your ability to stay focused on a goal that allows it to be achieved!
What should be done? First create a list of everything you can think of you want in your life, and what you want your life to stand for. “who are you?” Then type a one paragraph statement for each category thing you wrote down you wanted to achieve. Now place all items as members of your 4 corners. Then create a vision of yourself. This may have to be done in two steps. The first vision must be for each corner of your life, taking all the items you placed in that corner and seeing them as one part of your life as we discussed before. Then the second vision is the four corners combining to create the person you want to become. There is a lot about visualizing I can share with you, but for now let me say two things.

1. Thoughts are real, real is not. Over time we naturally become what and who we think we are.

2. Once you have the vision of who you want to become you want to hold that picture of yourself up and to the right. So when you think about the person you want to become you look up and to the right.

3. Ok, I know I said two things… but this is key to goal attainment. As you notice the differences between how you act today, and what the person you want to be would have done you are not failing, rather you are succeeding. You must notice the small differences in who you are today, and how you act, and compare that to what the ideal version of yourself would have done.

Don’t get down on yourself, rather realize that big changes are created by a series of small changes. So as you notice the little things, make the little changes and soon you will achieve your goals!

Sales Professionals and Doctors Both Should Position for the Sale

So as a red head, in my mid life it is time to have the moles checked.

One came back abnormal, so it had to be cut out. A few weeks ago I
showed up for my appointment only to be told the DR. was over booked,
and I would have to wait 45 minutes to an hour just to get me in. Of course I just rescheduled for the first morning appointment which happened to be this morning.

I wanted to share something I noticed that the doctor does naturally, and we in sales should do with purpose.

I sat in a waiting room and then was brought into a room by a medical assistant. In insurance I would call the person a CSR = Customer Service Representative.

The medical assistant explained what was going to go on, (it was written down and she read from the paper) in sales this would be called sales scripting. The assistant checked my vital signs and prepared the room for the Dr's arrival. The final step before the medical assistant was done was completing a check list to make sure she hadn't missed anything. It was 8:15 when she was done getting everything in order. 

She told me it would be about 15-20 minutes before the Dr arrived as the
Dr doesn't come in until 8:30 for the first appointment. 

When the Dr finally came in to do the procedure, I was ready, and waiting for the Dr’s arrival. Even anticipating it a bit, after all shortly I would be meeting the person that could help me, and clearly that person was very busy and needed lots of assistants to get things ready for the Dr’s arrival.

When the Dr had finished, the medical assistant was left to to finish bandaging me up, and give me all the info I needed, as well as set the next appointment to have the stitches taken out. I noticed I didn't take any cell phone calls while I was with the DR, or check my email, or excuse myself to do a more important task etc. No instead because of positioning, when the Dr got there the Dr had my full attention. Why? Because the Dr was positioned as important, busy, an expert in the field. (Hummm? Salesmanship positioning?)

I thought about my office and how things are running here. I thought
about how my staff helps my clients and gets them ready, or prepared to
meet with me. They collect policy information, create the summaries,
and gather loss runs, and summaries them for me as well. My staff uses
check lists as well. Typically I am handed a file, with all the info I
need to do my part, and when I am done I had the file back to my staff,
and move onto the next appointment.

It is an interesting similarity as I don't do the prep work, and I don't do the work after the procedure either.

It was just a great lesson in working at our highest capacity, and
leveraging the time we spend working. Of course the key is great staff
that understand what you will be doing and why, and love helping our
clients. Interesting.... 

Before I left the office the medical assistant read to me a script about
what I am suppose to do, and not do for the next few days. (Interesting
we have everything in our office sales scripted as well)

PS. The Dr did make small talk while cutting me up..... And hopefully
will soon be another one of my clients! What is interesting about this is that I am also able to have easy conversations with my clients as well, as my staff has done all the misc stuff so my mind if free to concentrative on my clients needs, rather than the misc stuff that has to be done to allow me to service my clients. How about you? Are you making the coffee? Filling the copier with paper, and typing your own file jackets?

How to get leads. The easiest part of a professional sales person's job!

No matter what business you are in, or what product or service you are selling you must have people to talk to about your product or service. AKA: Leads.

I have worked with lots of sales professionals over my 30 + years, and early in on I bought into the common thinking about lead generation. But as I learned more, tested, retried, and most importantly noticed what was and wasn’t working for others, as well as myself I made several key distinctions that I want to share with you and hope it helps you with your business so your business will bless those it serves, your family and your community.

1. Most focus on lead generation is incorrect. It is like taking a telescope and focusing it on the moon when you want to see Mars. You have good equipment, and can see clearly, you just have it pointed in the wrong direction.

Lead generation starts with having a great story to tell. Not a fictional story, but more of a great documentary. Usually your story can be developed as you develop your proposal systems, and presentation books. (Both a topic of other posts I have made and will make).

If you have a good story, that describes clearly how your product or service will help someone else, and you can see it clearly using simple math, and terms then you develop your story into a mission.

It starts by caring about others. (I call this a back porch sales technique). Most can’t really pull this off as they can’t stop thinking about what they get if they make a sale. The key is to help no matter if you get paid or not. I count it as a “sale” when I leave a family or business better off for having met me.
Once you have come to this pure calm place where your sincere desire is to simply help make another person or businesses life better, easier, and more profitable then generating leads will become easy.

How do you start? Once you have your story ready to tell, you tell it. If you do this right, each person you tell your story to, will have more people for you to tell your story to. AKA referrals.

I have a lot of cool techniques and activities you can do using good lists, and sales systems to generate leads once you have your story ready. So please keep following my blogs, and podcasts I promise to share them with you. Also if anyone has a specific product or service that you would like my help with to develop leads for you, just reach out to me and I will respond directly here.

Employment-Related Practices; are you prepared

Employment-related lawsuits are a growing concern for employers of all sizes. In 2004, the EEOC reported 79,432 charges filed for harassment, and harassment charge receipts filed and resolved were $251.7 million. According to the Watson Wyatt Company, win or lose, the average cost of legal fees and related defense costs for the average liability claim are approximately $114,000 (not including settlement amounts).

Salesmanship Simple Fixes Defining Who Is A Prospect

Salesmanship is a trade, just like any other. Work has to be planned, and plans have to be followed just like any other tradesman would have to do. Last week I was working with a sales professional that was having problems getting the attention of his prospects during presentations. The prospects cell phone rang, and he had to go. He told my friend "just give me the bottom line" which was the price, and leave the presentation. As my friend left he noted his presentation was thrown on a stack with another 3 proposals that look just about like his.
There were many things going very wrong here. Much like a carpenter that doesn't know how to use a circular saw. My friend is a salesman that doesn't know how to use the "tools of his trade" here are just two that needed training.


Jesus was homeless
I was reading one of my favorite passages to my son Jon today. Matthew 25:31-46. The words in our family bible are written in red. In this section Jesus speaks about how he shall judge the world. He will divide the good from the bad. Casting the bad to his left, and the good to his right. He uses agricultural metaphors of separating the sheep from the goats.
Being a positive person, I would like to just share with you what he says to those on his right hand, his sheep. Matthew 25:34-40 Then shall the Kind say unto them on his right hand come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world, for I was a hungered and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty and ye gave me drink, I was a stranger and ye took me in, Naked, and ye clothed me, I was sick and ye visited me, I was in prison and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee? Or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger and took thee in? or naked and clothed the? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me.
It goes on to talk about those on his left hand, the goats as it were.
I feel badly about the homeless in my home town Turlock. We are a town that boasts the Guinness world record for more churches per capita than any other city in the country. Yet with all the grand buildings to worship Jesus in we don’t have so much as a drafty barn to house our homeless.
I wonder in my heart what Jesus thinks about this? I have read my bible many times in my life and cant find any place in it with words in red that Jesus said build me a grand building to worship me in! I am simple minded in my faith. So I may be missing something.
A year ago I went to lots of meetings and participated in lots of discussions about the HUD sponsored shelter Turlock had, but wouldn’t open. A few things bothered me greatly. The dominate comments I had from some of our elected officials that are just flat out against any homeless shelter was that the homeless, were primarily drug addicts, thieves, mentally ill, with only a few being displaced normal people, or families. Which to me reads like Matthew 25:40 “what you have done for the least of these you have done for me”
This is the reason I started with what Jesus says in Matthew. The words are in red so we don’t need to think much about who said what, or what is meant by these words. One counsel member last year quoted his study bible stating it wasn’t the government’s responsibility to provide for the homeless per Matthew 25. I could only bow my head and let the tear drop fall. Miss quoted at the least, intentionally manipulating even the words of Jesus at worse.
I am not critical of our counsel. I am saddened by them. As my family and I worked with hud to make an offer to buy the homeless shelter and use it for its intended use, our offer was ignored. In the end the shelter was sold for less than half of what it was bought for and the money sent back to HUD.
So all this is water under the bridge. But it is 28 degrees outside @ 8 pm on Sunday night; the weather reports a chance of snow in CA central valley this week.
I don’t know what to do, but what we can as a family which isn’t near enough to help get all the cold and hungry out of the cold, and feed. I do think that if lots of us got together, and everyone helped as they could collectively we could do this.
If anyone is interested give me a call and let’s see if we can figure this out. Maybe rent some of the abandoned homes around town? I don’t know but doubt the city could stop us from letting people stay in homes we rented? Or even a larger facility, with all the businesses going out and the vacant buildings all over town? Or maybe you have an idea?

GDI Insurance. Member of United Valley.

GDI as an owner member of United Valley brings the buying and service strength of 52 agencies, 65 offices and
over 600 employees. We write in excess of $500,000,000 in annual premiums ranking us as one of the largest
agencies in the country. As a result our client’s consistently receive the best insurance terms: Coverage and Pricing.
Supported by state of the art Human Resource and Risk Management Programs no broker can or does more for
their clients than GDI Insurance Agency, an owner member of United Valley Insurance.

Partial list of insurance companies;


The Million Dollar Round Table

GDI as an owner member of United Valley brings the buying and service strength of 52 agencies, 65 offices and
over 600 employees. We write in excess of $500,000,000 in annual premiums ranking us as one of the largest
agencies in the country. As a result our client’s consistently receive the best insurance terms: Coverage and Pricing.
Supported by state of the art Human Resource and Risk Management Programs no broker can or does more for
their clients than GDI Insurance Agency, an owner member of United Valley Insurance. GDI as an owner member of United Valley brings the buying and service strength of 52 agencies, 65 offices and
over 600 employees. We write in excess of $500,000,000 in annual premiums ranking us as one of the largest
agencies in the country. As a result our client’s consistently receive the best insurance terms: Coverage and Pricing.
Supported by state of the art Human Resource and Risk Management Programs no broker can or does more for
their clients than GDI Insurance Agency, an owner member of United Valley Insurance.

The Attidude of Farming, Gardening, and Business Deals

The attitude of farming, gardening, and business deals.

I am blessed to live in the middle of a 22 acre Almond Orchard. My home is at the end of a long crape myrtle lined driveway. I have a fence full of ivy around our home, and back yard. Beyond that I have a large Koi pond, and a horse corral. I spend my quite time sitting by our pond watching the fish, horse, and goat play looking beyond them into our orchard. It is a very affective spot to find clarity and God.

Running a large insurance brokerage is a real full time job so I hire a real farmer to take care of my orchard. That leaves me responsible for about 2 acres of landscaping and horse corrals. Although I have a gardener, they limit there activities to about a quarter acre of the manicured landscaping. Mow and blow usually.

For the most part the rest is pretty low maintenance. Clean out the pool and check the chemicals once a week. Spot check sprinkler systems, and keep the weeds down. Pretty much like any other homeowner. Except a few acres of distance to cover, and instead of one or two systems to check I have a dozen or so to keep track of.

Weeds have gotten my attention lately. Normally once a month I jump into my mule which has a 15 gallon spray rig mounted on it full of round up and some misc bug sprays mixed in to keep the ants and other crawlers down. This last year I haven’t had the time to keep up with the weeds. And of course when you don’t pay attention to weeds they tend to grow! Similarly when you don’t pay attention to business problems or poor attitudes they also seem to grow.

I see some great similarities between business and weeding. I started clearing out my 2 acres of weeds. Some up to two feet high! I would like to share with you a few of my thoughts about weeds.

When weeds first pops up they are very small and week. Just like when a bad attitude at work first pops up. If I tend my land, and spray the seedlings of these weeds when they are just getting started they quickly die, and wither away leaving no trace that they were ever there. I have many ways to deal with seedlings. One it chemical sprays, the other is a torch attached to a large propane tank. I don’t need to burn the seedlings completely to kill them; just the increased heat from the torch passing over them is enough to kill the weed when it is just sprouting. So a little heat works well on weeds and bad attitudes.

If I wait a bit and let the weeds grow even just a little, and then spray them when they die they leave more of a mess. I then have to clean up of dead grass, and stems that have to be dealt with after the weed gone. When we allow the bad attitudes of people to mature in our businesses even for a bit, they to leave behind bigger messes that has to be cleaned up once we get rid of them.

The biggest mistake I seem to make from time to time is to allow a weed to grow. In fact sometimes I have gone to the extent of allowing weeds to be fertilizing and watered along with my orchard. The funny thing is that no matter how well I take care of a weed it never magically morphs into a fruit bearing plant. Instead of course what happens is the weed gets bigger and stronger and then starts germinating spreading seeds of discontent throughout my orchard. This of course causes more weeds to begin to sprout. Funny how letting weeds grow in my orchard does about the same damage as letting bad attitudes grow in my agency.

On my farm, and in my business the best way to deal with weeds is to have a formal weed control system to find weeds as they sprout, and deals with them right away.

I have never seen a problem get better by ignoring it, or hoping it will get better on its own. Weeds and attitudes are the same way. If I let the weeds just do what they want, soon my entire orchard would be full of weeds and choke out even the healthiest of my trees. Stealing their nutrients, and taking their water.

Someone once told me they could work with anyone and make them successful. The only thing they couldn’t fix was a bad attitude.

What It Means To Be A Salesman

7:02 and I just walked in the door. It has been a long time since I did a dinner table meeting at a client’s home. On the way home I thought a lot about salesmanship. I thought about all the old clichés about what it means to be a salesman.

I thought about all the books I have read over the years, the movies like Tin Men, or Match Stick Men, or even Death of A Salesmen. I tried to think about what normal people think of salesmen. I couldn’t really think of anything positive that a normal person would generally think about a salesman. Add to that I am an insurance salesman, which to most people ranks right up there with the stereo typical used car salesmen and it is really hard to think about myself or classify myself as a salesmen, yet a salesmen I am.

But then I saved myself. I thought about the meeting I just left. I thought about the process I went through on behalf of my new client, and her family. I had meet with an older client, and her children this was our second meeting where I was proposing solutions to the family’s financial issues.
I had taken the time over the years to study and master financial planning, taxes, business planning, estate planning, and yes insurance. Some would say I paid the price, or my dues, but I would say I am a life time learner, reader, and of late audio book listener.

The first meeting I learned all the details about the family’s current estate and financial plan. They said they didn’t have one when they asked for my help about a month ago. But several years ago, 20 to 30 wow, I can’t remember when exactly I had learned that everyone has a plan, they just may not be able to articulate it, or have a plan they are doing on purpose. Ie… they stumbled into their current state of being, financially or otherwise. In any event they were really concerned about having enough money to care for their mother, deal with taxes, and then pass on what is left to the kids, and grand children.

This is all pretty basic stuff, and easy to plan for? I use a question mark here although it is basic and easy to create a plan, the vast majority of families I have worked with seem to just not have a plan. Which is why I guess I get referred to so many families that need some help.

After gathering the information, I put together a plan using simple guaranteed fixed annuities. One set for the qualified money, and one set for the non qualified money, leaving some in a basic CD which will be owned by the family trust.
So this 71 year old now will be able to take $4,000 a month from qualified money for exactly 16 years based on a 5.5% return. (For those with a financial background you should be able to figure the principle from the numbers I just gave you)… Hint, hint, if you can’t then you may not be a financial planner!

Then by 87 years old the balance of the non qualified assets (also placed in an annuity) will have more than doubled increasing her total net worth by over 23% as compared to what it was today. All the money left is now non qualified which pass nicely to the heirs as compared to qualified monies. (It is always interesting to me that most people chose to save their IRA’s until they have to take the money and spend their savings down, which basically disinherits their heirs because of the income tax affects).

What was really fun was that the kids all my age or older thought that their mom needed to get returns of 12% or more to have enough to live on, and pass on the assets to the family. This was a major concern of the parent, wanting to leave an inheritance.

So I thought about what it means to be salesmen. It means a commitment to lifelong learning, listening to what our clients want to accomplish, gathering the facts about where they are, where they want to go. Then taking all the information applying all the knowledge I have, organizing it, proving it, compiling it, finally putting it into a proposal that is first correct, then easy to understand and follow, backed up by undisputable third party proof, tax, and mathematical facts that any CPA, or Estate Attorney cannot refute.
As I left tonight a family had a plan and was happy there CPA had told them to call me last month.

Why You Must Learn All About Annuties

New market report reveals annuity critics are often biased and incorrect in their perceptions of annuities within retirement planning

First I would like to say that in over 30 years as an insurance agent and broker, not one of my clients has lost even 1 cent of their retirement money they invested in fixed annuities. Not one cent. The average return using one of my clients I did the retirement planning for 27 years ago has been just over 6%. When they come to my office they bring the original proposal I did for them all those years ago, and are elated that they have more money in their plan, than I had projected they would have.

I have wondered why people take risks with their financial plans, when without risk they can achieve their objectives! Don’t take my word for it! Here is what this one client had to say about the work I did for their family. I have lots more to share with you!

“We have been a client of Grant Davis for almost 27 years now. Years ago Grant helped us set up our retirement plan using Annuities. This week we reviewed our account values with Grant and compared them to the projected values Grant had done for us years ago when we started saving for retirement. We have more money in our account than Grant said we would have. And Never Risked A Cent! If you are like us, and want a good return without market risk I would recommend talking to Grant about your retirement plans, or anything to do with saving money securely.”
Manual & Janie Corriea, Turlock, CA

While annuities have played an integral role in retirement planning throughout most of the last century, a new report reveals that the average consumer is now ten times more likely to read information designed to discourage annuities rather than endorse them.

The market study completed by Annuities Institute included the analysis of more than 500 popular
Consumer articles on financial planning and annuities.

From the review, 93 percent of the documents researched contained inaccurate and damaging assessments of how annuities work within retirement plans.

The Annuities Institute research included compiling the most common misconceptions published on annuities, and then sharing them with professional planning advisors and retirement specialists nationally. Their comments and input were then compared against consumer satisfaction surveys sampled from a base of more than $500 billion of annuities sold to consumers between 2001 and 2005. Among the top negative press strategies and fallacies recorded:

Myth #1: Every Annuity Is a Variable Annuity
Very often, the risk properties of the variable annuity are incorrectly referenced on behalf of all types of annuities, undermining consumer knowledge and confidence in non-security-based investments such as fixed and immediate annuities. The strength and security of these annuities are not based on stock market performance however, and offer guarantees through fixed minimum interest rates and future protection against loss of principal and earnings.

Myth #2: Your Insurance Agent Isn’t Qualified to Offer Financial Planning
Some investment managers will diminish the value of annuities on the grounds that the insurance
Representative does not need a securities license to provide investment advice. A securities license is only needed, however, when selling speculative investments where the potential for loss exists. Many insurance providers focus on fixed and indexed annuities for retirement where loss to principal and earnings is not an option for their clients. They also undergo continual training and professional courses year-round to improve their knowledge.

Myth #3: Fixed Annuities Will Never Outperform Inflation
The fixed annuity offers security in knowing you are guaranteed a set interest rate over a specific period of time, and is often used to give long-term investments more growth return and tax advantages over CDs. Some investment advisors are against fixed annuities because of their perception of future inflation. They feel that some risk must be taken to grow savings to maximize personal wealth. For investors who cannot afford to lose any of their life savings, though, risk should never be a substitute for long-term planning and new income generation.

Myth #4: Annuities Are All About Penalties and Surrender Charges
Like the 401(k) and IRA, the annuity takes advantage of special legislation passed by Congress that provides incentives for individuals to save more money for their retirement. The long-term savings approach allows annuity providers to offer higher interest rates, guaranteed security, tax-deferred accumulation, and positive planning benefits for tax and distribution planning. No one would typically write negative articles about how an IRA or 401(k) incurs unnecessary penalties for accessing money before age 59 ½. Annuities are designed to provide long-term security, and the knowledge that a lifetime of savings will not be diminished due to unforeseen factors.

Myth #5: Commission-Based Planners Must Be Biased
It wasn’t all that long ago that fee-based planning was created by financial firms to ease client fears of non-objectivity. Their goal was to maximize medium-term earnings and residual income, while having more control over client investments. Ironically, many within that field do not even actively represent or sell fixed, indexed or immediate annuities for retirement purposes, even when safety and risk tolerances A frequent caveat found within tips on how to qualify your financial advisor is to automatically disregard anyone who ever recommends an annuity within an IRA. The exception to this, of course, is when safety is paramount and loss to principal is not an option, and the annuity offers a higher rate of return than other forms of investment. Many fixed and indexed annuities outperform other non-security investments while removing risk to principal and savings.

Myth #6: Only Deal with Big Names You Are Familiar With
While people typically gravitate toward big companies with names that are instantly familiar, brand visibility doesn’t automatically mean the best rates, service and performance. Restrictive affiliations and objective advice do not normally go hand-in-hand, as it can limit the guidance you receive for key financial decisions. Make sure the planner you select is not restricted in the advice and recommendations they can make to you.

Myth #7: Only Deal with Registered Investment Advisers
Some of the criticism of annuities comes from professional asset managers who earn their commission as a percentage of the total money they manage and keep at risk for growth. Many of them often forget that every investor is not after great wealth within the stock market, and too often seniors are talked into placing their money in vehicles that could instantly reduce their life savings. There is a significant difference between the professional investor who wants to aggressively grow their million-dollar portfolio, and the retiree with $150,000 that will likely need every dollar and more to get through their retirement without outliving their savings.

Myth #8: Indexed Annuities Are Often Sold Inappropriately
The opinion of many stockbrokers is that indexed annuities are often sold inappropriately to seniors, as they limit the total earnings an investor can receive during upswings in market performance. The indexed annuity was purposely created, though, as a hybrid investment that combines the growth potential of the stock market with the safety features of a fixed annuity. While potential upsides may be capped at 7 percent to 12 percent, an investor never has to worry about losing their life savings, and typically has several options by which to guarantee minimum interest rates paid regardless of performance. As far as suitability goes, according to consumer data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, in 2004 equity indexed annuities reached sales of $23.3 billion, with only 38 closed complaints nationally, or $614 million of sales for each complaint received.

Commercial Umbrella Insurance

In a culture where litigation is commonplace, business owners have so many more worries than making profits and retaining top employees. For instance, if a business’s product injures a consumer, the organization could face a devastating lawsuit, exponential damages and a ruined reputation within the marketplace.

To assist with the financial burden of a claim, many business owners are electing to purchase Commercial Umbrella Insurance on top of their standard Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance policies. An aggregate limit is established on most CGL policies that, once exhausted, will not cover any other excess claims.

An easy way to understand how quickly a claim can exceed the first $1,000,000 of coverage is to consider a person that is 35 years old, earning $30,000 a year. If that person is injured and cannot work as a result of your business activities or your employee’s activities the loss of income between 35 and 65 would be $900,000 alone. Not to mention pain, suffering etc... The amount grows to $3-$4,000,000 quickly. A higher wage earner grows even faster.

Although this blog is about commercial umbrella coverage it is important to point out that more family owned businesses are lost because of personal activities such as personal car accidents that because of business liability claims. Your GDI broker can help you coordinate a personal umbrella to cover your personal activities and those of you family members which you are responsible for.

Purpose of Commercial Umbrella Coverage
Umbrella coverage is designed to protect an organization against monumental liability claims that can demolish a business through a large financial judgment. Typically, an umbrella policy serves the following purposes:
1. Provides coverage for potential damages and court defense courts that exceed underlying insurance policies (typically CGL policies).

2. Provides coverage in situations that are not covered by underlying insurance policies but are not excluded from the umbrella policy. This benefit is subject to a self-insured retention (SIR), similar to a deductible, in which the policy holder is responsible for losses up to the SIR amount.

3. Applies to claims where the aggregate limit of the underlying policy has been met. The umbrella policy will cover the portion of the claim that cannot be paid with the underlying policy because there are not enough funds available in the policy to cover the entire claim. For instance, if at the time of a claim, your CGL policy has $500,000 remaining and the claim in question is $1.5 million, then the CGL policy will cover $500,000 and then the umbrella policy will cover the remaining $1 million.

Coverage Details
A typical Commercial Umbrella Insurance policy has the following features:

1. Offers coverage for the following: worldwide; personal injury; blanket contractual liability protection; care, custody and control; non-owned aircraft liability; watercraft liability; advertisers liability; liquor law liability and XCU liability.
2. Offers an extension of insurance protection for additional insured’s.
3. Policies are “following form” in which they abide by similar provisions and cover similar losses as the underlying policy. If claims are not covered by an underlying policy, the umbrella policy makes the business responsible for the loss (if the loss exceeds SIR limits). The damage must also involve personal injury, property damage or advertising injury.
4. The insurer has the right to investigate all claims not covered by any underlying insurance.
5. Policies cover all individuals or parties that gain insured status within the contract. Policies also protect an organization’s executive officers, regular employees, directors and stockholders acting on behalf of the organization. Protection for additional insured’s in typically excluded when claims involve motorized vehicles, watercrafts and aircrafts.

The Magic of Presentation Binders.

About a month ago I met with a new suspect that owned a large plumbing outfit. I spent a few minutes talking about misc things and asked to take a look at his current insurance policies. He didn’t want to show them to me. So I explained that I was applying for the job as his insurance broker and had to review his current policies to make sure his coverage was in order etc… He wasn’t very interested in doing things my way so I told him thanks for the time and if ever I could help him please give me a call. I remember him being offended that I didn’t want to “quote” his insurance policies.. After all he was paying over $350,000 a year in insurance premiums and had 6 other brokers working on his insurance as we speak.

This morning at his sunrise rotary meeting while I was still asleep he spoke with one of my clients, and told my client what an idiot I was.

When I got to work this morning I had a message asking if he might have an hour of my time this afternoon at 3 pm to discuss his insurance. I happened to have the time so I said sure ‘why not”….

I made my presentation to him, his CFO, Controller and for some odd reason his CPA was there as well as his shop foreman…?

About 45 minutes into the hour I was stopped, and the owner of this company gave me his apologies for not letting me help him a month ago, and asked if there was still time for me to step in…. Sure… He then told me he owned a catering business and a few restaurants and could I handle those for him? Sure.. and he said and to make it up to you I would like to call the owner of the pool company I just sold he could use your help… A few minutes latter and I am speaking with the pool company owner who is also saying he is sorry but he can only let me handle his group health insurance right now, but would I still offer him the service he heard about until the rest of his insurance was able to be moved to me? Sure.. .so tomorrow I will b o r over another $43,000 a month group health account with the owners apologies that it couldn’t be more right now and his promise that I will be the only broker he works with from now on!

Turns out that this morning at the sunrise rotary meeting I became the topic of discussion. It started with a plumbing company owner saying I was an idiot. To which a client of mine explained to him what I had done for his company…. As the discussion progressed the pool company owner and a few other business owners (whom I just got the names from my client this evening to contact when I have time… if they don’t call me.) joined in….

There is a lot more to this story… but suffice it to say within 24 hours for my 3 pm meeting today I will have added over $1,000,000 in new premium!

This is unsolicited… but you have to get to Chicago in OCT.. as you are the only ones I will be sharing this proposal with… Other than my cluster…. I am only sharing it with QC out of a sense of obligation to say thank you to Michael, and because I vetoed all my local competitors. This is hundred, if not thousands of hours of work product, condensed into a 45 minute presentation…. Way in front of the curve and my competitors’!

Letter to the Governor requesting aid for homeless shelter.

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger,

As you are acutely aware, this is a time of economic stress for many of our communities. As a small businessman living and working in Turlock, California, I see many people struggle, not just to pay a mortgage, recover stock losses, or even buy a new car. Turlock, like other communities, is home to those without the means to even rent a humble apartment, or put food on a table. My family and I have seen the increasing numbers of homeless in our community and are dumbfounded by the lack of resolve to do something for those in the most need.

Governor, as you may know, several years ago the city of Turlock asked HUD for money to buy and remodel a homeless shelter. HUD granted the cities request and gave Turlock several million dollars to buy and rehab a homeless shelter. In May 2005, Turlock bought an old warehouse in an industrial area for the homeless shelter paying $350,000 with money it received from HUD.

In February 2006, Turlock voted on a plan to build the shelter. The council approved option B of the plans dated January 5, 2006. In June 2006, the city put a halt to building the shelter and spent $70,000 looking at other sites to for the shelter. Several months ago the city of Turlock said that the homeless shelter should be “privatized” as the city doesn’t want to be in the homeless business. Senator, this is nearly 4 years after applying for and receiving a HUD grant to construct a homeless facility. As a businessman in our community, I at first followed the story with pride in my community for stepping up to the plate, then with increasing frustration as politicians studied and restudied solutions to a homeless challenge that has not abated.

Out of my frustration, I determined that with a comprehensive business plan and sound management, a shelter in Turlock operate to the benefit of the community and those who would be served by services provided, i.e. our homeless neighbors. I began outreach to other community programs to enlist their aid in supporting this endeavor.

In January of this year, my family stepped up to the plate to offer to buy the shelter from Turlock. As part of our proposal, we asked to be able to use some of the HUD money to bring the shelter up to code in preparation for services and temporary shelter. The city ignored the offer and embarked on another round of studies and appraisals.

The city counsel also asked if the building could just be used as a warehouse to hold items for use with low-income families to meet HUD requirements for use and not trigger a requirement for the city to repay the original grant.

As I woke to the freezing fog that blankets our valley I found myself wondering how the city can legitimately use a homeless grant to get federal money then not use those resources for its intended purpose. I wondered what would happen to an average person talked a government agency into granting money and I simply did what I wanted with it.

As I look over a budget for the shelter from January 25, 2006 I see millions of dollars from RDA and CDBG funds listed with account numbers holding them. I wonder where that money is now 3 years latter. Since it wasn’t used for the homeless shelter we need to get an accounting for these funds and ensure that they are put to their proper use.

When I last was in front of the city council, they urged that the shelter be run by private citizens. When I proposed a business plan and offered to get the shelter on a solid footing, my proposal was not even considered. So, I am left wondering what happened with the original grants and their resolve to enlist private citizens to step in to operate a shelter in Turlock. With so much HUD money theoretically given by HUD for this purpose, it is critical that we get an accounting of the resources and begin to implement a common sense plan to use the money for its noble intended purpose.

I am writing to ask that you request an audit of the HUD grants to the city of Turlock so that we can understand how the money is being used. This will be a critical step forward to putting together a common sense solution so that we can step up as a community to serve the homeless living in Turlock and our surrounding communities.

We the people are willing to do the work. We just need our officials in Turlock to account for the project, allow private citizens to rally around the project and get it finished so we can do important work.

Thank You

Grant Davis


GDI Insurance Agency, Inc

801 Geer Rd, Turlock, CA 95380


Texting While Driving: Don't Even Think About it

Today as I was driving down the streat the light turned red and the car to my left ran through the light. I saw them comming fast in my rear view mirror, and looked as they passed by. The driver was young and text messaging, or dialing her phone as she past me, never noticing the light had changed.

According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), for every two seconds that a driver's eyes stray away from the road, he/she is twice as likely to have an accident. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) also claims that driver inattention is the leading contributing factor in most crashes or near-miss accidents in the United States.

Of all crashes, 80 percent (and 65 percent of near-crashes) involve driver inattention within a three-second window of the incident. The moral of the story: when motorists change radio stations, try to read maps or talk on cell phones, they are putting themselves and others at risk.

The latest danger to hit the roadways in recent years is texting while driving. AAA claims that texting requires a motorist's full attention, which obviously affects their attention to the road. This is a concern not just for normal motorists; many occupational drivers have been involved in roadway crashes that have taken the lives of others. These drivers were texting while driving on the job. Here are some examples:

  • A Boston trolley driver missed a red light while texting his girlfriend and smashed into another trolley. This accident injured 50 people.
  • A Florida truck driver killed two young women when he hit their vehicle because he was texting.
  • An attorney in Nevada rolled his company-issued SUV because he failed to pay attention due to texting.
Many states have laws outlawing the use of cell phones and texting while driving.

The Proof is in the Pudding!

Texting is one of the most prevalent causes of roadway crashes because drivers are so distracted by the messages on the screen and typing a response message back on the keypad. Consider this: would you let a doctor operate on you if he/she was going to text every minute or so during the procedure?

To avoid a ticket and a potentially dangerous accident, do not use your cell phone in any capacity while driving. If you must make a phone call or text, pull off the road safely and then do so.

Identity Theft Update

Incidents of identity theft continue to rise and many consumers assume this is because of the increase of computer technology as well as the increased use of consumer credit cards and debit cards. Although technology is one way that identity thieves can steal your financial information, there are also less obvious ways that you might not think of on a daily basis.

With this in mind, I thought I would share some helpful tips for making sure you protect yourself and your personal information!

Tip 1: Be Careful With Your Mail - Although it seems most convenient to drop mail in your home mailbox, it is best to go ahead and run by the post office to drop it in a safe place. Most homeowners don't consider that identity thieves might steal your personal information right out of your mailbox, especially bills being sent in for payment. These usually have a check attached, along with all your personal information!

Tip 2: No Personal Information Over the Phone - This seems obvious, but many consumers will inadvertently give out personal information to a caller who identifies themselves as your financial institution or credit card company. Remember that they will never call you and ask for information. They will only ask if you call them!

Tip 3: Don't Carry Your Social Security Card - There is rarely an occasion where you will need your social security card, yet many people carry theirs in plain sight in a wallet or purse. An identity theft can easily have a driver's license or other personal information ordered in your name is they have your SS card.

Tip 4: Never Carry or Write Down Passwords - We have all begun to feel safe, and even complacent, about our financial information because they are now password protected. Writing down those passwords takes away that safety though. Only uses passwords that you can remember by memory, otherwise this takes away the point of the password. Don't use obvious passwords that a thief could figure out from reviewing your personal records.

Tip 5: Lock Up Your Personal Affects - Whether you are at work or a gym don't trust that just because you seem friendly, familiar faces your personal information is safe. Unfortunately, many employees have had their entire wallet stolen from a co-worker while they were at lunch.

Hopefully you can make use of these tips to keep your personal information protected and your financial assets in place!

Contact your GDI Broker for assistance.



Turlock Closes Its Homeless Shelter! What Would Jesus Do?

Turlock Closes, and Sells Its Homeless Shelter.

Tonight I sat with one of my sons Jon, he is 10 years old. I read him the newspaper articles about Turlock closing and selling the homeless shelter. I read him the letter to the editor; “What Would Jesus Do”?

I asked my son what he thought Jesus would do if he was here. My son simply said, “If Jesus was here he would stop all this nonsense and keep the homeless shelter open”!

At some point we have lost the simple faith that guides the hearts of our children. I was thinking about all the grand city buildings and churches we have. How fortunate we are to have comfortable, clean, air conditioned, and heated places to worship.

As I thought about Jon’s response I thought his use of the word nonsense seemed a little mature. I wondered if he understood what the word meant. I asked Jon to tell me what the word nonsense meant. To my surprise he knew what it meant. So the next logical question was why he thought this was nonsense. Jon told me because what I said wasn’t right.

I spent sometime speaking with members of our city, a few of the service agencies that have manned the shelter in the past, as well as a few local business owners I know. I asked lots of questions. At the end of my adult conversations I had concluded that in fact the reasons we have for closing the shelter are in fact nonsense as my son Jon had said.

If Jesus visited Turlock, like in the time of the New Testament I wonder which great building he would chose to visit. Where would we go to meet him? Would we meet Him in a church, city hall, maybe the auditorium, or at one of our homes?

I don’t think so. I think we would find Jesus at the buildings he instructed us build. What buildings would win the prize, where would our Lord visit us? Today we would find Him standing in front of our homeless shelter of course. In the eyes of our Savior, there is no greater building in our town than those built to help the sufferings of others. No public building, church, temple, or synagogue is greater in the sight of our lord than the homeless shelter, or the other buildings we have to ease the suffering of our brothers and sisters. These buildings that help those in need stand as a testament of our faith thanksgiving, and love. Does any of us doubt this? Who believes Jesus gives any honor, or assigns any value to the things we find valuable in this world?

I empathize with the local residents and businesses that have to deal everyday with people sleeping in their door ways, or worse. But to blame the homeless is misplaced.

Our city received money to buy the homeless shelter, and made plans in 2005 to remodel and complete this project? Yes I’ve seen the plans, and budgets. I don’t know why the plans were never followed through with? But I do know that they should be.

I am sure no one did anything wrong. I just don’t think any of the homeless people in our town have a voice that was heard. They were like the poor man Jesus taught us about coming to church in poor clothes, and because of the way he looked, he was sat in a poor place, while the rich man was sat at the head in a grand place of honor. Jesus is no respecter of persons, and has told us not to be either. “But for the grace of God, there goes I”!

What is the answer? Pull out the plans that were drawn up in 2005, and dust them off. These plans would move the homeless over to the shelter the city bought for them on B st, and down the block further into the industrial area as planned. Near other services for them that are already there. Clean up the place, and put some showers and bathrooms. Make a park like place behind the building (as planned) with shelter and shade to rest, off the streets.

Part of the project should include a maintenance, and invitation crew that twice daily walks the neighborhood, and invites the homeless from down town to come to B St to cool down, warm up, shower, or grab some sleep, and also cleans up any and all the neighborhood of debris. The local businesses, and residents also deserve a break, and help.

Money? Doesn’t seem to be an issue? The city was given the money to buy the shelter and in 2005 had money to upgrade it. Let us all make sure the city knows we want them to simply do the right thing.

Spending money to extend the fence around the city parking lot so no one can rest on the grass is not even a band aide. It simply moves the problem from one place to another place. Let’s stop pushing people back and forth like some childish game of hot potato!

In all my years I have never seen a problem get better by ignoring it, or by moving the problem to another person’s neighborhood. Those who think “Turlock shouldn’t be in the homeless business” are simply ignorant of the fact that Turlock is already in the homeless business, and by ignoring it Turlock will actually be committing unlimited resources to it. Who knows what it is actually costing local businesses, or will cost.

I also have never seen poverty, starvation, and sleep deprivation bring out the best in anyone. A good management program, not only fulfills our moral obligation to our fellow man, but gives the neighboring residents, and business some hope of relief and help. That has to be better than what’s happening now!

Let’s stop the attack on the homeless and those that give so much of their time to help the homeless. I have met some wonderful people that spend their days helping the homeless. So there are people to do the work.

Many times I walk past someone asking for a hand, or don’t stop my car to help someone that looks like they need help. But sometimes I do stop and help. The times I do stop to help are when I feel a tug at my heart. I have shared this with children so that when that happens to them that’s how they know they are suppose to do something to help. For me this is simply one of those times. As I hope it is now for you also. All that you need to do is simply stand up and be present, and counted.

Here is what I have found to be true. Please add your voice and ideas with letters to the editor or the Turlock Journal, and to the Mayor, and City Counsel Members. Please just let them know what you think. Everyone I have spoken to so far possess a warm caring heart. We all need to just tug on it a bit to get everyone to do the right thing.

There is a place for the shelter, with a shelter on it that was paid for with federal money. It is close to other services for the homeless.
There is a plan to improve the shelter with federal money.
There are people to man the shelter.
Turlock is already in the homeless business, and paying money to help
The local businesses and residents are being neglected also

At the end I am left to simply conclude there is no reason I have heard of that has any merit for not having the homeless shelter as planned. I have found many reasons that not having the shelter is a big mistake. It is morally a mistake for you and I to allow suffering when we can help it. It is a mistake to play hot potato with people. It is a mistake to not have a plan. It is a big mistake to ignore it.

What can you do? 5 minutes and a stamp to write a letter to the city counsel, the editor of the paper, or come to the counsel meetings, speak if you feel inclined, or bring a simple piece of paper to hold up that says “What Would Jesus Do”. I really believe this is the right thing to do, and that we can make a difference and help.

Homeless in Turlock

Homeless shelter: Proposal from Grant and Minnette Davis and Family

The objective of the shelter is:
To be a first stop. A secure place to receive basic human needs.
Prepare those that are interested to move to Transitional living. Receiving services to assist in transitioning back into permanent housing.
Prepare those that are interested to move to, or work with other service agencies.

The basic human needs the shelter will provide.

A place to sleep out of the elements. In order of priority.
Women with children
Men with children
Shower and Bathroom facilities. 24/7
Cloths exchange and laundry.
A place for day time assistance.
TV and Recreation (limited)
A place to meet with counselors
A place to meet county and city workers
A place for churches to provide services
Job and Life Skills Training
Resting and sitting places
Mail, Correspondence, Phone Messages
Out reach to the families of homeless.

HUD Qualified Sell of the B st Property to Grant and Minnette Davis for $1,000
Ownership at a future time to be transferred to charitable foundation established by Grant and Minnette Davis.
Take the ownership, and related head aches from the city.
Qualified Sale means.
Only to be used as shelter or other HUD approved uses. This way no money has to be paid back to HUD per Kurt Klaus HUD Representative phone 415-489-6599.
Note failure to use the shelter as intended requires the city to pay back HUD even if property isn’t sold!
Contract between City and Grant and Minnette foundation that the length of time will meet Hud requirements.
Contract with caregivers:
Contract with caregivers to provide services at the facility.
i. Caregivers also must have insurance and name the foundation as
Grant and Minnette foundation will make sure all cities, neighboring business, and residents concerns are being met as directed by the city.
Caregiver must have a program that is approved by the Stanislaus county homeless consortium.
i. Homeless
ii. Business Owners
iii. Residents
1. All three parties’ interests have equal weight. No party has more rights than the other.
2. We will replace caregivers that do not keep the peaceful balance as noted.
Security, both at the shelter, and surrounding area
Clean up maintenance. Both at the shelter and via golf cart twice each day.
Homeless invitation. Invite any homeless members to come to the shelter day or night. Ease the pressure from down town.
Area improvement. General plans to upgrade and clean up the neighborhood. City guidance.
2008 – 2009 Emergency declaration allows shelter to operate this year.
City agrees to not rezone the location.
Filter the good from the bad, by using Video Surveillance. Outside and inside. Recorded. And or linked to any agency interested in helping with peace. People who want to do bad things don’t tend to want to be seen doing them.
2009 and on…. Shelter up to code. Many churches and individuals have expressed a willingness to bring the shelter up to code.
We will not ask for an exception in 2009. It is up to the community of faith to do this work, and we hope for available grants. If it is not done it is not the cities problem.

We will apply for state and federal grants to assist in the maintenance, upgrades needed, and day to day operations of the shelter as well as fund raising activities. We ask the city to allow those grants that need to pass through the city to be allowed to pass through the city.

I have many church’s, organizations, and individuals that have committed to provide the care, security, clean up, and bring the shelter up to code. There are also many that will assist in the daycare program that will help transition those interested to temporary and on to permanent housing.

If for any reason those that have made commitments, can’t or won’t keep them. Or will not meet them in harmony with the cities directives. Then the shelter will remain closed until we can find the support needed to run the shelter in harmony with its neighbors.

The one caveat is the shelter and homeless have the same rights to exist in the neighborhood as do the business owners, and other residents. However I do agree that the homeless do not have the right to be a nuisance, litter, commit crimes, or participate in other activities that blight the area.

My hope is that by having a shelter that is open for day use, as well as secure sleeping that we will be able to ease the pressure from the downtown area, while doing what I feel is right. I know that there will be bad eggs. I hope that video, police and security will allow us to identify those that are causing the problems and deal with them.

Further I hope to be able to provide space for other community service organizations to come and assist those that have interest in transitioning back into society, and or transitional housing.

Thank You for your consideration.

Grant W Davis